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Celonis Product Documentation

Action Flow - Configuration changes

Action Flow (AF) is an automation tool used in Celonis to implement some of the action-related functionalities in the AR cash App. Below is the list of AFs that are available upon installation.

Action Flow (AF) Name

Used To

Update Transaction Augmented

Used to update the augmented attributes like clearing date and clearing document number

Invoice Clearing

Used to clear documents in SAP system by selecting documents (Partial, Residual, Overpayment cases)

Update Payment Augmented

Used to update the augmented attributes like payment status, posting date and payment sub status

Invoice Clearing - Full Payment

Used to clear documents in SAP system by selecting documents (Full Payment cases)

These AFs will need some updates to ensure they have the correct permissions and targets for the Celonis environment. Changes required in each Action flow step are listed below:

  1. Add webhooks.

  2. In JSON for update augmented (32):

    1. Click on the JSON For update augmented (32).

    2. Click Add.

    3. Set as JSON for update augmented.

    4. Click Generate.

      1. Paste below JSON text in datastores.generator.sample_data.


        "updateRequests": [{

        "requestId": "",

        "requestedBy": "",

        "skillKey": "",

        "augmentedAttributeValue": {

        "knowledgeModelKey": "",

        "recordMetadataId": "",

        "augmentedAttributeId": "",

        "recordId": "",

        "value": ""




    5. Click on Common.Generate.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Ok.

  3. Click the Action Flow Save button.

  4. Configure variables.

    1. Copy Action Flow webhook URL.

    2. Go to the Update Variable screen and paste the webhook URL into the Update Payment Augmented URL

  1. Add Webhooks.

  2. Edit the JSON module for the update augmented module (32):

    1. Next to the Data structure dropdown, click Add.

    2. Click Add.

    3. Set as JSON for update augmented.

    4. Click Generate.

    5. Paste below JSON text in datastores.generator.sample_data.

          "updateRequests": [{
      		"requestId": "",
               	"requestedBy": "",
                      "skillKey": "",	
               	"augmentedAttributeValue": {
      			"knowledgeModelKey": "",
      			"recordMetadataId": "",	
          		        "augmentedAttributeId": "",
      			"recordId": "",	
      		        "value": ""	
    6. Click Common.Generate.

    7. Click Save.

    8. Click Ok.

  3. Save the Action Flow.

  4. Configure variables:

    1. Copy the Action Flow webhook URL.

    2. Go to the Update Variable screen and paste the webhook URL into the Update Payment Augmented URL

  1. Add Webhooks (1).

  2. In Celonis module (2):

    1. Click Add to add a connection.

    2. Enter the Application Key.

    3. Click Save.

    4. Select Data Pool and Data Model.

    5. Click Ok.

  3. In the SAP module (5):

    1. Click Add to add a connection.

    2. Select your System Connection. Enter Username and password and save it.

    3. From the Connection dropdown, select the SAP connection you just created.

    4. Click Ok.

  4. In the SAP module (10):

    1. In the connection section, select the connection created in the previous step.

    2. Click Ok.

  5. In the JSON module (20):

    1. Next to the Data structure dropdown, click Add.

    2. Set as Prepare Data List.

    3. Click Generate.

    4. Paste below JSON text in datastores.generator.sample_data.

    5. Click Common.Generate.


      "Data": [


      "CASE_ID": ""




    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Ok.

  6. In the JSON module (21):

    1. Next to the Data structure dropdown, click Add.

    2. Set as HTTP Body For Cleared Invoices.

    3. Click Generate.


      "data": "",

      "clearingDate": "",

      "clearingDoc": "",

      "userName": "",

      "action": "",

      "baseLineDate": "",

      "packageKey": "",

      "knowledgeModelKey": ""


    4. Click Common.Generate.

    5. Click Save.

    6. Click Ok.

  7. Save the Action Flow.

  8. Configure variables:

    1. Copy the Action Flow's webhook URL.

    2. Got o the Update Variable screen and paste the webhook URL into the Invoice Clearing Full Payment URL.

  1. Add Webhooks (1).

  2. In the Celonis module (2):

    1. Click Add to add a new connection.

    2. Enter the application key.

    3. Click Save.

    4. Enter Data Pool and Data Model and click Ok.

  3. In the Celonis module (33):

    1. Click Add to add a new connection.

    2. Enter the application key.

    3. Click Save.

    4. Select Data Pool and Data Model and click Ok.

  4. In the SAP module (10):

    1. From the connection dropdown, select the SAP connection.

    2. Click Ok.

  5. In the JSON module (20):

    1. In the Data structure section, click Add.

    2. Set as Prepare Data List.

    3. Click Generate.

    4. Paste below JSON text in datastores.generator.sample_data:


      "Data": [


      "CASE_ID": ""




    5. Click Common.Generate.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Ok.

  6. In the JSON module (21):

    1. In the Data structure section, click Add.

    2. Set as HTTP Body For Cleared Invoices.

    3. Click Generate.

    4. Paste the folling JSON code in datastores.generator.sample_data:


      "data": "",

      "clearingDate": "",

      "clearingDoc": "",

      "userName": "",

      "action": "",

      "baseLineDate": "",

      "packageKey": "",

      "knowledgeModelKey": ""


    5. Click Common.Generate.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Ok.

  7. In the JSON Prepare Data List module (46):

    1. In the Data structure section, click Add.

    2. Set as Create Prepare Data List.

    3. Click Generate.

    4. Paste the following JSON code in datastores.generator.sample_data.


      "Data": [


      "CASE_ID": ""




    5. Click Common.Generate.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Ok.

  8. In the Prepare HTTP Body For Full Payment module (47):

    1. In the Data Strucurte section, click Add.

    2. Set as Prepare HTTP Body For Full Payment AF.

    3. Click Generate.

    4. Paste the following JSON code in datastores.generator.sample_data.
















    5. Click Common.Generate.

    6. Click Save.

    7. Click Ok.

  9. Save the Action Flow.

  10. Publish your package.