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Celonis Product Documentation

Action Flow - Configuration changes

Similar to Skills, the Action Flow (AF) is another automation tool used in Celonis to implement some action-related functionalities in the AR credit App. Below is the list of AFs that are available upon installation.

Action Flow (AF) Name

Used To

Approver Matrix Edit

Create an “Edit record” of the credit review approval matrix

Approval Matrix - New

Used for the Create a “New record” of the credit review approval matrix

Edit/ New Score Card Parameter Value

Used for Create or update “Scorecard parameter value” records.

Edit / New Score Card Parameter

Used for Create or update “Scorecard parameter” records.

These AFs will need some updates to ensure they have the correct permissions and targets for the Celonis environment. Changes required in each Action flow step are listed below:

  1. Action Flow: Approver Matrix Edit

    1. Step 5: Get Approver Email

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select the Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    2. Step 6: Update Approver Email

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Credit Review Approval Matrix as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Approver Email from the list.

    3. Step 7: Get Approver Manager Email

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    4. Step 8: Update Approver Manager Email

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Credit Review Approval Matrix as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Approver Manager Email from the list.

    5. Step 9: Get Threshold Amount

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    6. Step 10: Update Threshold Amount

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Credit Review Approval Matrix as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Threshold Amount from the list.

    7. Step 11: Is Active?

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    8. Step 12: Update Is Active

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Credit Review Approval Matrix as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Is Active from the list.

  2. Action Flow: Approval Matrix - New

    1. Step 2: Celonis

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Package: Select the Studio Package that you installed from the Marketplace.

      3. Skill: Select Approval Matrix - New skill from the list.

  3. Action Flow: Edit/ New Score Card Parameter Value

    1. Step 4: Get Start Range

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    2. Step 5: Update Start Range

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter Value as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Start Range from the list.

    3. Step 6: Get End Range

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    4. Step 7: Update End Range

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter Value as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select End Range from the list.

    5. Step 8: Get Text Value

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    6. Step 9: Update Text Value

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter Value as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Text Value from the list.

    7. Step 10: Get Score

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    8. Step 11: Update Score

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter Value as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select SCORE from the list.

    9. Step 12: Is Active?

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    10. Step 13: Update Is Active

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter Value as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Is Active from the list.

    11. Step 14: Celonis

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Package: Select the Studio Package that you installed from the Marketplace.

      3. Skill: Select Create Score Card Parameter Value skill from the list.

  4. Action Flow: Edit / New Score Card Parameter

    1. Step 5: check Is Active

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    2. Step 3: Is Active

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Is Active from the list.

    3. Step 8: check Internal Calculation

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    4. Step 6: Internal Calculation

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Internal Calculation from the list.

    5. Step 9: check Exclude if missing

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    6. Step 10: Exclude if missing

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Exclude If Missing from the list.

    7. Step 11: check Score is missing

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    8. Step 12: Scored is missing

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Exclude If Missing from the list.

    9. Step 13: check Weight

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    10. Step 14: Weight

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Weight from the list.

    11. Step 15: check Parameter Type

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    12. Step 16: Parameter type

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Parameter Type from the list.

    13. Step 17: check Model Type

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    14. Step 18: Model type

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Model Type from the list.

    15. Step 21: check Additional Attribute

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Data Pool: Select the Data Pool that you created in Step 1.

      3. Data Model: Select Accounts Receivable Data Model as the data model.

    16. Step 22: Additional Attribute

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Knowledge Model: Select AR Credit as the knowledge model.

      3. Record: Select Score Card Parameter as the record from the knowledge model.

      4. Augmented Attribute: Select Additional Attribute from the list.

    17. Step 19: Create Score Card Parameter

      1. Connection: Select the Application Key connection to interact with Celonis. If you do not have an existing connection then you can create one by clicking the “Add” button.

      2. Package: Select the Studio Package that you installed from the Marketplace.

      3. Skill: Select Create Score Card Parameter skill from the list.
