Currency Conversion and Tolerance
The Accounts Receivable App makes use of the SAP Currency Conversion feature. This feature allows you to define the ‘target currency’ in which the app is displayed by using Celonis' run-time variables. The benefit of this feature is that you can provide all regions of your business with their local currency while only having to process the data model once.
To configure this conversion correctly in the data pool, you need to do the following:
Ensure that you have defined the following data pool parameters:
exchangeRateType This parameter should store the exchange rate type you use for currency conversion. Typically this value is “M”, but in some cases, it is “EURX”.
currency. This parameter stores the currency into which you convert your data during the transformations.
You will still need to define the package variables in the app setup. Specifically, the package variable ‘group-currency’ must be equal to the data pool parameter ‘currency’, and the package variable ‘exchange-rate-type’ must be equal to the data pool parameter ‘exchangeRateType’.
Create the currency tables TCURR_CC, TCURF_CC and TCURX in the local data job/s (already provided by default in the jobs).
Create views of these new currency tables (TCURR_CC, TCURF_CC and TCURX) in the Global AR jobs (already provided by default).
You will still need to define the package variables in the app setup. Specifically, the package variable ‘group-currency’ must be equal to the data pool parameter ‘currency’, and the package variable ‘exchange-rate-type’ must be equal to the data pool parameter ‘exchangeRateType’.
Ensure that the three global views are available in the data model, with the aliases defined using TCURR, TCURX and TCURF.
Ensure the AR_TOLERANCE table is available in the data model with the aliases defined using TOLERANCE. This table contains information from the SAP T043G table.