Backup and restore
Azure SQL
All Celonis Process Management data is saved in SQL databases.
Databases are saved regularly:
Full backup weekly
Differentially every 4 hours
Transactions log every 5-10 minutes.
Database backups are kept for 35 days.
Database backups of databases that have been deleted are permanently deleted 35 days after deletion of the database.
Databases and their backups are encrypted.
The Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) procedure is used with TDEs managed by the service. Details on this procedure can be found under the following link:
Application Server
There is no customer data on the application server, except log data.
Virtual machines are backed up at 2 a.m.
The hard disks are encrypted with BitLocker (AES 128-bit).
Database restores are possible after consultation or are carried out by the operation team in case of fatal errors. If restoring your data is necessary, you will be informed in advance.
Recovery tests
Recovery tests are performed approximately every 8 weeks (per Celonis Process Management release) as part of an upgrade. The data is replicated from the Prod System into the Test System. This procedure checks cyclically that the backups function without errors.