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Celonis Product Documentation

Orchestration Engine uses

Let’s take a look at some examples for wholesale, distribution, and discrete manufacturers. Remember, Orchestration Engine is focused on enhancing both business outcomes and the customer experience. The main use cases that you might use Orchestration Engine for are:

  • Payment assistance: customer payment options are auto-restricted for buyers with a poor payment track record, encouraging the customer to pay on time while protecting the seller.

  • Stock assistance: overstocked products are automatically promoted to ensure working capital efficiency.

  • Order assistance: customers are proactively provided with recommended substitutions for products which cannot be fulfilled on time.

  • Sales assistance: sales reps are supported with intelligent recommendations for alternative products or suppliers to meet the promise of on-time delivery.

There are many more use cases for particular situations:

Use case


Stock outs

Automatically hide out-of-stock products, then automatically reverse the process when the item is back in stock.

Intelligent replenishment

Monitor product sales and automate inventory and on-time reordering of low-stock products by combining sales statistics with supplier on-time delivery (OTD) statistics to avoid stock out.

Next best option

Recommend products from suppliers/drop ship vendors with better on-time delivery to reduce backorders and accelerate revenue.


Reduce waste by avoiding excessive stock, promote stock that will expire, reduce return rates, and recommend more sustainable shipping options.

Report on your carbon footprint.

Return optimization

Understand customers' propensity to return products. Engage them proactively to reduce return rates, for example by testing different strategies such as punishment and reward.

Advertising spend

Control advertising spend by automatically suspending/reactivating advertising campaigns based on inventory level and demand.

Risk management

Credit risk - cancel orders from known bad actors or put the orders on hold for review.

Fulfillment risk - alert your supplier management team about orders delayed by backorders or slow drop-ship vendors.