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Celonis Product Documentation

This documentation references a blog post on the SAP forums (indicated in orange):

Additional to the settings in the blog article, it may be necessary to set snc/gssapi_lib in the profile.

Preparations in the SAP system
  1. To get started, we need to setup SNC on the SAP Server (Blog → Setup SNC on the ABAP Server)

  2. Save the certificate for your SAP Server's SNC PSE (Blog → Export Server Certificate)

Preparations on the extractor server
  1. To create our client PSE, from the extractor installation directory run the '' script, providing your desired distinguished name and PSE password, e.g.:

    1. ./ "CN=<YOUR_CHOSEN_CN>, OU=IT, O=CELONIS, C=DE" <your_chosen_password>

  2. Now add the certificate from step 2 above by running the '', providing the same PSE password provided when generating it e.g.:

    1. ./ ~/IDES.crt <your_chosen_password>

  3. As part of step 1 a client certificate is also generated named 'RFC.crt'. Import it into your SNC PSE on the SAP system (Blog → Import Client Certificate to Server PSE)

  4. Start the extractor using ./ (if started from outside of the extractor installation directory then please provide it as a parameter to the script)

  5. Use the distinguished name of the SAP Server's SNC PSE certificate as the SNC partner name in your Data Connection, e.g 'p:CN=IDES, OU=DEV, O=CELONIS, C=DE' (don't forget the p!)

Steps 2 - 3 can be repeated for each SAP Server you wish to connect to, afterwards just create separate Data Connections with the appropriate SNC partner names

Considerations when running as a Windows service

The provided 'install_with_snc.bat' will install a Windows service that bootstraps the extractor for SNC connections.

  1. Open the Administrative Tools > Services window on your Windows server

  2. Stop the service

  3. Open the Properties > Log On dialog

  4. Change the service user account to the user that ran 'snc_create_pse.bat'

  5. Start the service

  6. After allowing around 20-30 seconds for the service to start up, try the connection test