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Celonis Product Documentation

Creating and granting permissions to application keys


Where possible, we recommend using the OAuth 2.0 authentication method. For more information, see: Using OAuth 2.0.

Creating application keys enables you to give access and permissions to any applications you create, either within your or externally. Once created, an application key must then be granted the necessary permissions within your Celonis Platform (as by default, application keys are created without permissions).

Admins can also receive system notifications whenever a new application key has been created. See: System notifications


To create an application key and grant it permissions:

  1. Click Admin & Settings - Applications.

  2. Click Add New Application - Application Key, enter a key name, and then click Save.

    A screenshot shot where to click New Application key.
  3. Copy the application key displayed.

    A screenshot showing where to copy the application key to your clipboard.

    Note: You can only view an application key once, so make sure to copy it when you create it. If you don't have a copy of the keys on your list, you'll need to create a new one.

  4. Click Permissions.

  5. Locate the service you need (such as Team, User Provisions, Machine Learning, Data Integration, etc.) and click Edit.

    In this example, we’re updating the User Provisioning service.

    A screenshot showing where the edit button is located within the permissions area.
  6. Select the required service permission template for your application and, if required, enable SCIM permissions.

    In this example, we are granting our application with manage permissions and enabling SCIM permissions.

    A screenshot showing how to find the permission template dropdown and then how to enable SCIM permissions.
  7. Click Save.

  8. Add the application key to the authorization header of your requests using the following format:

    Authorization: AppKey APPLICATION_KEY

    Your application now has the correct permissions within your Celonis Platform.