Configuring an KPI bowler for a legacy view
This view component has been deprecated and does not appear as an option when visually building your Studio view. This topic remains as a YAML reference guide and not a record of existing platform features.
Basic KPI bowler configuration
To configure a KPI bowler, you must have at least the following features defined. Ensure that prior to creating a new KPI bowler component, you have all data you wish to include in the table properly defined in the Knowledge Model.
Attribute | Required | Type | Description |
mainAttribute | Yes | Record.Attribute | A record defined in the Knowledge Model defining the rows of the Bowler (Example: COUNTRIES) |
firstKpi | Yes | KPI | A KPI to be shown as columns defined in the Knowledge Model (Example: THROUGHPUT_TIME) |
pivotAttribute | Yes | Record.Attribute | The dimension for the rows of the bowler. Usually time steps. (Example: ROUND_WEEK) |
And the YAML example for a basic KPI bowler configuration:
id: kpiBowler type: kpi-bowler settings: data: mainAttribute: INVOICE.CUSTOMER_BUSAB_TEXT firstKpi: KPI_COLLECTED_AMOUNT pivotAttribute: INVOICE.ENTRY_QUARTER
Advanced KPI bowler configuration
Further additional configuration options are available:
Attribute | Required | Type | Possible values | Default Value | Description |
name | No | Boolean | true false | false | Defines the headline of the component. |
goal | No | Double | Defines the default goal of all KPIs. | ||
limit | No | Integer | Defines how many rows should be displayed per page. | ||
secondKpis | No | Defines a list of second KPIs which will be rendered in the KPI bowler. | |||
manualTarget | No | Boolean | true false | false | Defines if a target can be manually entered by the end user. |
breakdowns | No | Custom attributes | Defines the breakdown dimensions which are displayed above the table. The user can then toggle between the different attributes defined in the custom attribute. | ||
link | No | Boolean | true false | false | Defines if the mainAttribute becomes clickable to open a Profile View . To make it fully work create a separate Profile View of the same knowledgeObjectId. |
displayContentRule | No | Custom attributes | To underline the status of your KPIs with visual clues, you can add custom display rules to the component. To realize the custom Display Rules, a Knowledge Model element of type customObject needs to be defined in the Knowledge Model of your view. Knowledge Model customObjects: - id: KPI_BOWLER_PERCENTAGE displayName: KPI Bowler percentage customAttributes: - comparator: GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL # value in percentage value: 90 style: textColor: "#7DBB00" backgroundColor: "rgba(125,187,0,0.5)" - comparator: BETWEEN value: [ 90, 50 ] style: textColor: "#FF7000" backgroundColor: "rgba(255,112,0,0.5)" - comparator: BETWEEN # value in percentage value: [ 51, 10 ] style: textColor: "#52618F" backgroundColor: "rgba(82,97,143,0.5)" - comparator: LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL # value in percentage value: 10 style: textColor: "#ff0000" backgroundColor: "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" Note The value of a comparator needs to be a percentage and not an absolute value. A value of "100 %" would equal to "target reached". |
And the YAML example for an advanced KPI bowler configuration:
id: advanced-kpi-bowler type: kpi-bowler settings: name: Team Overview data: mainAttribute: INVOICE.CUSTOMER_BUSAB_TEXT pivotAttribute: INVOICE.ENTRY_QUARTER firstKpi: KPI_COLLECTED_AMOUNT manualTarget: true link: true goal: 50 limit: 10 breakdowns: MAIN_BREAKDOWNS displayContentRule: KPI_BOWLER_COLOR_RULE secondaryKpis: - AVERAGE_NETWR_CONVERTED - COUNT_TABLE__PIZZAP2P_XLSX_SHEET_0