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Celonis Product Documentation

Listing Digital processes

Orchestration Engine focuses on business behavior for systems to optimize key outcomes based on events. Digital processes consist of a trigger that makes the process start, and steps that need to be performed after the trigger takes place. Digital processes are executed top-down and run independently from each other.

To access the page, in the navigation menu, go to Orchestration Engine -> Digital Processes. What you can see on the page is a list of all the digital processes that are created in your tenant. You can manage the digital processes by creating new ones or deleting those that are no longer needed, activating or inactivating the existing ones.

To check how to create a new digital process, take a look at Creating digital processes.


The columns are:

  • Active: Order the list by active or inactive digital processes.

  • Name: Alphabetical order, you can also search for a specific scenario process by typing its name in the search field.

  • Last Published: You can sort the scenario process by the date they were published or search for a scenario process that was published on a specific date (using the search field).

  • Running instances: Check how many times the process was run. For example, every time a new order is placed and the “new order” scenario is triggered, it counts as one instance.

  • Statuses: Represent the validations of the digital process blueprints, they are not related to the running instances.

    • Pending - the process's configuration is being validated.

    • Invalid - the process is not configured properly and cannot run.

    • Validated - the process was configured successfully, the validated status covers both active and inactive states.

  • Deleting a digital process: removes a digital process from the list of available processes. Every time you delete a process you see a popup window with a request to confirm the action. Deleting a digital process is possible only when there are no running instances of the process.