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Celonis Product Documentation

Migrate Analyses from Process Analytics to Studio using Content-CLI

You can move analyses from PA to Studio using the content-cli. The content-cli is a tool for managing Celonis Platform content. see Content-CLI as a tool for managing content in the Celonis Platform

Prepare the package you want to move your content into
  • Go to Studio and create a new package.

Move an Analysis
  1. Create a profile (= a profile stores the team from which you want to move your content). In your terminal, type

    content-cli profile create

    It will ask you for

    • name (this is a name to identify the profile, eg. origin-team

    • url: the url of the team you want to move content from, eg.

    • api key: Go to Edit Profile inside the team you want to move content from and create an api key. Copy it and paste it here.

  2. Pull an analysis from PA.

    • next to --profile add your newly created profile

    • next to --id add the analysis id (find it in the url of the analysis)

    • --asset downloads the analysis in the format needed for the Studio

    content-cli pull analysis --profile origin-team --id 7c9e5e7c-76ab-4b91-bdf7-4d7a89ff16c1 --asset

    Repeat this for all analyses you want to move.

  3. Create a profile for the team you want to move your content into. See step 1.

  4. Push the analysis (or multiple together) to the Studio inside a new team.

    • after --file add the file name of the file you want to upload. It should start with asset_

    • after --profile add the profile created at step 3 for the team where you want to move the content

    • after --package add the package key of your Studio package. Find the key by clicking on the tree dot menu of the package, then Key.

    content-cli push asset --file <filename> --profile goal-team --package hello-world-app

    or for all at once

    push assets --profile goal-team --package hello-world-app
  5. Link the analysis to a data model. To do so:

    1. Open the Settings from within the context menu of the analysis.

    2. Choose a Data Model variable or create one on the fly.
