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Data Integration (legacy)

New data integration content available

You're currently viewing a data integration topic that has been replaced and will eventually be removed from our documentation.

For the latest data integration content, see: Data Integration.

Data Integration integrates and transforms data from a multitude of source systems into the Celonis Platform. It allows you to set up automatic data pipelines that provide a loaded Data Model to all other services in the Celonis Platform. Its main benefits include:

  • End-to-end solution: data integration made with a process mining focus

  • Easy set-up: configuration through an intuitive UI

  • Up-to-date data: small, frequent, and configurable Delta Loads

  • Scalable and flexible infrastructure: flexibility to work with large data volumes

  • Multi-functional: all common ERP and CRM systems can easily be integrated

FAQ for the Data Integration redesign

1. Where can I find the Replication Cockpit?

Whether the Replication Cockpit gets displayed in a Data Pool or not depends on whether you’ve created a Data Connection that supports it. There are two options:

  • SAP: select the "Use Change Logs" configuration in the Data Connection

  • Database: toggle the "Live Data Connection" in the Data Connection


    If one of them applies, the Replication Cockpit will be included in your Data Pool like this:


2. Where can I find the Extractor Builder?

The Extractor Builder can be found by going to “+ Add Data Connection” and scrolling down to the section Custom Connections. By clicking on the Build a Custom Connection tile, you can create your own Extractor. Once you’ve created an Extractor via the Extractor Builder it will appear like any other source system in the connection overview page. To edit an existing Extractor, you have to navigate to the connection overview page again and click on the three dot menu of the Extractor you like to configure and click “Edit”.

3. Where can I find the Data Consumption and Monitoring tab?

On the central Data Pool page, you’ll find the Data Consumption (left) and the Monitoring (right) in the top right of your screen


4. Where can I find Versioning, Data Pool Parameters, Task Templates, and Execution History?

Inside a Data Pool, you’ll find the Versioning (left), Execution History (middle) and additional settings (right) which cover Data Pool Paramters and Task Templates in the top right of your screen.


5. How can I export and import a Data Connection?

You can find the option to share a Data Connection with other Data Pools (= Export) in the three dot menu of a Data Connection. When clicking on it, you can select the Data Pools, you’d like to share the Data Connection with. There is also the option to automatically share the Data Connection with newly created Data Pools.

Note: to stop the export of a Data Connection to another Data Pool, you can simply deselect it in this step. This will lead to the fact that the data will automatically be removed from the target Data Pool.


After defining the Data Pool, you can select the tables of the Data Connection you’d like to export. You also have the option here to automatically share newly created tables with the Data Pool.


Once exported, you can navigate to your target Data Pool and via “+ Add a Data Connection”, select the option to “Import Data from another Data Pool” (= import).


After clicking on this, you can see all Data Connections that have been shared with this Data Pool and you can select the one you’d like to import.


In the final step, you need to synchronize the tables, which creates a View of the original table in your target Data Pool.

6. How can I import a Process Connector from the Marketplace?

When you create a new Data Pool, you have two options:

  • Create a Data Pool from a Process Connector template

  • Create a Data Pool from scratch

By selecting the first one, the Marketplace with all Process Connectors is opening and you can browse the Marketplace and select a template you’d like to install.


7. Where can I find the File Upload?

You can find the File Upload by clicking on “+ Add a Data Connection” and click on “Upload Files”.


8. Where can I find the Streaming Cockpit?

In case the feature for the Streaming Cockpit (in limited availability) is activated for your team, you’ll be able to access it via the top bar in a Data Pool.


New data integration content available

You're currently viewing a data integration topic that has been replaced and will eventually be removed from our documentation.

For the latest data integration content, see: Data Integration.

The Celonis Platform endpoint cannot be reached from the server that the on premise Extractor is running on. This could be related to:

Please check that the HANA database actually uses a DATE column or a DATETIME column and not a string column like NVARCHAR. If the column is NVARCHAR you can still use filters, but you have to use string values or text parameters instead of dates.

  1. Acquire a certificate for the domain you want to connect to, and store it somewhere memorable.

  2. Navigate to the folder in your jre where "cacerts" is located. This is usually: .../jre/lib/security

  3. Open a terminal window from this folder

  4. Run the following two commands, to import the certificate from step 1.

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass <KEYSTORE-PASSWORD> -noprompt -alias alias -file <PATH TO CERTIFICATE>

    By default, KEYSTORE-PASSWORD is "changeit", without quotes.

You need to make your database trustworthy by using the following command in MSSQL:


You receive this error if the owner of your database is a domain user. This can be fixed by making e.g. the user SA the owner of your database.

Most likely, you do not have Java 64-bit installed. Please make sure that this is installed by typing the following in the command line:

java -version # should result in something like "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)"

If it is not 64-bit, please download the Open JDK version or the official Oracle release and make sure that it is the 64-bit server version.

Another cause might be that you try to run our software on a 32-bit operating system which is unfortunately not supported.