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Google BigQuery: How do I set up my OAuth data connection?

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In order to use OAuth for your Google BigQuery data connection, please follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account and enable the following APIs (

    1. BigQuery API

    2. BigQuery Storage API

  2. Set up OAuth 2.0 Client IDs for the project in which the database is hosted.

    1. Create Credentials.

    2. Select OAuth Client ID.

    3. Select Application Type to be "Web Application".

    4. Define a name for the Web Application and add the following authorized redirect URI:

    5. Save the Client ID.

    6. When reopening the OAuth 2.0 Client ID, you can see on the top right the clientID and clientSecret needed for the data connection setup in the Celonis Platform.

  3. Requirements in the Celonis Platform:

    Modify your network settings as described here: How do I set up a database connection?


    For Uplinked database connection only.

    1. Download the latest JDBC package which is available here: Downloads and Version History.

    2. Additionally, download the Google BigQuery Jar.

    3. Start the uplink using the following command:

      Creation of user, role, permissions

      java -Dloader.path=google-bigquery.jar -jar connector-jdbc.jar serve
    4. Once the uplink is green, create a BigQuery data connection selecting Uplink and OAuth as authentication method.

  4. Add the connection details:

    1. Insert the following details:

      1. Host:

      2. Port: 443

      3. Database Name: Name of the project in GCP

      4. clientID: The clientID from the OAuth 2.0 Client ID created in GCP

      5. clientSecret: The clientSecret from the OAuth 2.0 Client ID created in GCP

    2. Click Save which automatically triggers the OAuth flow.

    3. Log in to Google with the same user that is used in your GCP project.

    4. Upon the warning click Advanced and continue (Go to

    5. Accept the access of to the Google Account (tick the checkbox) and click Continue.